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Stress at the start of the school year

In the introductory atmosphere of the fresh start of the school year, many parents find themselves in a whirlwind of emotions, which often move between excitement, anticipation and even a feeling of stress. With the transition from summer relaxation to the school routine, various challenges arise that can leave parents feeling uncertain and stressed. In this article, we will take a closer look at why stress occurs, how it affects parents, and what are the ways to effectively manage this stressful period.
Children on their way to school
1. Reasons for stress:

The beginning of the school year brings with it many new challenges that affect parents. Among the more important reasons for stress are:

  • Change in routine: Summer vacation is usually a time of relaxation, but the start of school means a transition back into a regular daily rhythm. Parents must make sure that children are at school on time, do their homework and participate in various activities.

  • Financial pressures: Buying school supplies, clothing, and possibly extra activities can become a financial burden for families, especially when they are faced with these at the same time.

  • Emotional emptiness: Children grow and develop and become more and more independent. For parents, the start of school can also be a reminder that time is passing and that their children are becoming more independent.

2. The impact of stress on parents:

The stress of starting school can affect parents in different ways:

  • Physical impact: Chronic stress can affect the physical health of parents, causing insomnia, headaches, increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease and other health problems.

  • Emotional impact: Stress can trigger feelings of anxiety, irritability, feelings of helplessness and even depression. Parents sometimes wonder if they are good enough for their children, if they will be able to cope with all the challenges that the school year brings.

3. Stress management:

So how can parents effectively deal with the stress at the start of the school year?

Beat stress by Nutrizzia
  • Planning and organization: Good planning and organization can reduce the sense of chaos. Keeping a calendar with important dates, school activity schedules and weekly planning can ease the pressure.

  • Communication: Open communication with your partner, children and teachers is key. Sharing concerns, expectations and plans can create a sense of connection and understanding.

  • Self-care: Parents need to realize that self-care is just as important. Relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation, exercise or simply taking time to read can help you manage stress better.

  • Seeking Support: Parents should not be afraid to seek help if stress builds up. Talking to supportive friends, family members, or even professionals can help gain a different perspective and strategies for managing stress.

Eating right, being physically active, getting enough sleep, and managing stressful situations in general play a key role in reducing stress. Dietary supplements can contribute to this overall picture in some cases, but should be used judiciously and under the advice of a doctor or nutritionist.

Here are some supplements that have been linked to stress management, but always consult a professional before using them:

1. Magnesium: Magnesium plays an important role in muscle relaxation and stress reduction. It can also help improve sleep quality. However, it is best to get magnesium from a diet rich in vegetables, nuts, legumes and whole grains.

2. Vitamin B complex: B vitamins such as B6, B9 (folic acid) and B12 are important for a healthy nervous system. They help maintain energy levels and relieve symptoms of stress and anxiety. They are found in many foods such as whole grains, meat, fish, nuts and legumes.

3. Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Evidence shows that omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish, flaxseed, and chia seeds, can help regulate mood and reduce inflammation in the body that can be related to stress.

4. Adaptogens: These are natural substances that are supposed to help the body cope with stress and adapt to different stressful situations. Examples include ashwagandha, rhodiola, ginseng, and schizandra. However, caution should be exercised with these supplements as they may affect other aspects of health.

5. L-Theanine: Found in tea, this amino acid is known for its calming effect. It can help reduce anxiety and improve concentration.

It is important to know that there is no one-size-fits-all supplement. Each organism is unique, so it is wise to consult a nutritionist or doctor before taking any nutritional supplements. Additionally, nutritional supplements should never replace a healthy diet, exercise, and effective stress management techniques such as meditation, relaxation techniques, and adequate sleep.

Stress at the start of the school year is a normal phenomenon that many parents face. It is important for parents to recognize their feelings of stress, to be aware of their impact and to learn effective coping strategies for stressful situations. By combining organization, communication, self-help and finding support, parents can more easily cope with the challenges of the beginning of the school year and provide a supportive environment for their children.


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